Monday, August 26, 2013

Common Core Standards

Name of Publication/Website: Huff Post Politics
Day/Month/Year of Article:
August 23, 2013
Name of Article:
Education Poll Finds Common Core Standards Remain AMystery To Most Americans

Most Americans are clueless and have never heard of the Common Core State Standards. The Common Core is a set of learning standards that are supposed to be used to help prepare students for a 21st century economy. It emphasizes critical thinking skills and in important math concepts.

In my opinion I think the Common Core could be very helpful and will benefit the children and young adults in our country. I strongly believe that the parents should be more involved and shouldn know more about the standards. I think that everybody should learn about the standards in education because the children that are in schools now are our future so we should do whatever we can do help them achieve success.

Credit to Asian Development Bank