Monday, September 23, 2013

Too Much Too Soon

Name of Website: Medical Daily 
Day/Month/Year of Article: September 13,2013

Name of Article: Starting School Young Is 'Too Much, Too Soon'

Credit to Mike Oliveri 
127 senior figures in the England education system want the age for starting school to be delayed to 6 or 7. Many countries mandate that children begin school at age 6. Schools teach  language development, cognitive skills, general knowledge, approaches to learning, and social and emotional skills. These are all important things to learn and know about in early development.  

My opinion is that school should begin when the child is 5 or 6 years of age. At this age they not only need but also crave to learn. they want to learn new things. Also peer interaction is important at this age. Children need to be around other kids and learn from them. This age is is an excellent time to develop language, social and emotional skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is difficult to separate learning from schooling and changes in our society have made this even more challenging. It would be great to see that 'crave to learn' throughout our lives, but I would see lifelong learning outside of school. Children do need the socialization early on and the learning process is easily incorporated in that socialization process, but one wonders if mandatory schooling is the best way to do so!
