Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflection #8

This was my last week in Ms. B's classroom. In the classroom the teacher has a reward system similar to other teachers. She has a behavior chart and each child has a clip on the side of it. If they are doing well then the teacher asks them to move their clip up. The clips stay in place till the next day and then a students hands out 'soar cards' to the students who earned them. The soar cards go in a bucket and then go to the office to be picked for "Soar Card Winner".

For related Arts on the first day I went to technology. The class was learning how to type using home row. This was the class's first lesson on typing using home row so I was glad I got to watch that and experience it. First the teacher showed the students a  video/ power point about typing and what home row was. She had that students practice placing their hands on home row before getting started. Next she showed them some games they could play to begin to learn to type. The games were very helpful and the students picked up on it very easily. 

When we got back to class the students sat down in their seats and waited for instructions. After every one got back to class one student passed out clocks to everyone. The students were going to be learning how to tell time. The students had learned to tell time before but only to the hour, now they would be learning how to tell time by 5's. For example 3:05. 3:10, 3:15 etc. 

The next day I went to art. In art the students were finishing up their playgrounds. Students were adding shapes, water, grass, people, dogs, cats any thing and everything, they really wen t all out. This project seemed really fun for the students. At the end of the lass the students go to take their playgrounds home. 

For my last day in the classroom I went to Art. The class I went with was a little behind, they were just starting to make their people for their play grounds. Some students weer still building the basics of their playgrounds. A couple students didn't write their names on their playgrounds and we couldn't find them so they had to start over completely. By the end most students were almost done with their playgrounds.

In the classroom on my last day there was a substitute teacher. So when we got back it was a little crazy, luckily however the teacher left instructions for the substitute. They began centers when we returned and I helped a few students out with math problems such as " There are 34 ears at a table, how many people are at the table?" I had about 5 minutes till I had to leave and the students "surprised" me cards and telling me thank you. The students lined up on the carpet and told me thank you. They each made a card for me thanking me and saying they would miss me. They were very sweet.

I am grateful for my experience in this grade level. I learned a lot about how children this age act and also how they interact with each other.

1 comment:

  1. The cards the students made for you were adorable! You should take some photographs of them to share in this journal post. :) I like that you are appreciating the time with the children - your interactions with each of them will go far in helping you prepare for your future career.
