I began my observation in Ms. C's 3rd grade classroom this week. I was only in the classroom for one day this week. The classroom went through their regular routine. They had a morning warm up, it was to figure out past present and future tense of words. After the warm up the Ms, C asked the students to come to the carpet so they could discuss their benchmark test. She made a chart and wrote down their strongest and weakest points on the test. They were all very excited to see their strengths, with many 'oohs' and 'ahhs'. When it got to the weaknesses K shouted out "You are just showing us this to say that we are dumb!" Ms. C had to reassure him that she was just showing him to to tell the class what they need to work on more for next time.
The next thing they did was worked a little bit in science. They talked about Fahrenheit and Celsius. Ms. C passed out worksheets and explained how to do them and then let the students return to their desk to finish them. I would have explained some of the worksheet to the students but not all of it. It was a pretty simple work sheet, they finished it quickly.
After science they went on to reading which was what is normally in the scheduled. The students came to the carpet with their notebooks and a packet (they have been working from it all week). Today they were going to read a poem from the packet. They also had to answer 3 questions at the end of the poem. A lot of the students struggled with reading the poem, understanding it and answering the questions about it.
I am very happy that I am back in this classroom. I really enjoy this group of children also I like the teacher a lot. The atmosphere is enjoyable as well as the content of learning. I look forward to spending the rest of my time there and getting to know the students and the teacher more.
Sounds like an interesting day with a lot going on. Now that you are going to spend dedicated time in this class, you need to do more reflection in your blog post. First, summarize the week as you have done here, but then go back and add your thoughts, ideas, questions, etc. For example, in K's outburst, what were the benefits of Ms. C's thinking in showing both strengths and weaknesses? Would you have done it differently? Why or why not? etc OR what you could you do as the student intern to help students with the poem? Could the questions be re-worded in talking to them? Do they need to hear them as well as read them? etc