I believe that education is brought together not
just by the teacher and the school system but by everyone involved. The
students, the teachers, the parents everyone. In order to have a good education
everyone has to be in coordination and work together, we all have to be on the
same page. Once we are all on the same page then the focus on education and the
students can begin.
In my classroom, I want my students
to reach their full potential. I believe that student’s role in education is to
learn. My role in education is to help students reach their full potential and
also incorporate amusing ways of learning. My belief is that students learn
best through real life experiences and active play. Most students have a hard
time learning if it is straight from a textbook. It is easier if it is
something entertaining, like a project that students can work on together in
One other goal of mine is to
encourage positive behavior. I believe that students will respond positively to
positive reinforcement. And just as likely they will respond negatively to
negative reinforcement. In my classroom I will try my best to give students
positive feedback when they deserve it. For example, when they answer a
question correct or if they did all their homework, I will give positive words
of encouragement. Of course I will give negative feedback when necessary
however whenever possible I will be positive. I believe that when you as a
teacher are positive then your classroom environment will be positive too.
I know that cooperation in education
is important in the school system. I will do what I can to talk to all my
student’s parents and make sure that they are involved in their student’s
education. Parents have a big influence on a student’s education. In my
classroom I expect that students will also be working hard to reach their full
potential. I hope by the end of the year they will have the skills they need to
be a success and be a great asset to society. Also in my classroom students
will experience many forms of positive behavior and positive reinforcement. I
hope to have a optimistic attitude and a positive classroom.
Seeing the education/schooling community as a 'whole' with many adults participating is a great foundation - and reminds me of the saying, "It takes a village to raise a child." Learning is definitely a multi-dimensional process and many hands play a role. It will be interesting to look back on this after you have a few years of college and/or teacher employment to see if this foundation remains! :)