On the first day I was in the classroom this week, was a great day. The students behavior on this day was amazing. As I entered the classroom I noticed the students good behavior. They were getting their chairs, putting backpacks away, and starting on their morning work. In the past few mornings Ms. C has had to remind students what to do in the morning. Or she has had to interfere with students arguments. On this day there was no feuding or disputes between students. The morning activity was for the students to write a paragraph explaining, if they were an animal what animal would they be and what would they do? On students came up with that they would be a 'Blue Fla-Jay' (A mix between a flamingo and a blue jay). Another student said she would be a Foxtapus (a fox and octopus). The things they come up with is so interesting and seeing students use their imagination and having fun in school really warms my heart. After they finished with morning work they worked on poems. Today's poem was a haiku. The class struggled with this kind of poem at first but after Ms. C explained it well and showed many exampled the class got it. They wrote their poems in the Poem Book. I was very impressed with how well they wrote their poems.
On the second day Ms. C was out. There was a substitute filling in for her on this day. The sub was Ms. E. Ms. E was really nice and worked well with the students but she was very slow. At times I wanted to take over! But I realized I just had to deal with it and let it be. In the morning things continued as somewhat normal. A few things were different of course, it took the class forever to settle down and get ready for class. There was also a lot of arguments among the students. After things settled down the students began their morning warm up. Ms. E was going to move on to the next activity (when normally they review the warm ups) so of course, everyone yelled out at once. She settled the class down and K told he they normally review the morning work, so she id and THEN moved on. The next activity was a reading packet. They did the first one together and the next one on their own. By that time it was almost time for FAIR testing. Ms. E explained to the class what they would be doing and where they would be going. Then the class went to the computer lab. FAIR test are always a big hassle for us, test don't log in, head phones don't work etc. Today it was the head phones issue. At least 4 students couldn't take their test because of headphone issues.
The last day I was in the classroom was pretty average. Ms. C was back so that was nice. Like always the class began the same. Bathroom, drinks, pencils, filers, FASST Math, and morning warm up. Once everyone was finished with the morning warm up Ms. C called them all to the carpet, she reviewed themorning work and then sent the people who didnt finish FAIR testing to finsih it. The just worked on the computers in the classroom. As they worked on it the class read poems from 'A Light In The Attiic' Once all the students finished with the test Ms. C began on with poems. The poem for that day was a limerick. When Ms. C read the definition of a limerick the students looked at her as if she was crazy. It took them a couple minutes to understand it. The had to reread the definition and read MANY examples before they really understood. The students really love learning and writing poems. I think that is another great thing that helps with their imagination.
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