Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart)
Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to interact with other people effectively. When you have Interpersonal Intelligence you have good verbal and nonverbal communication skills. You are also very sensitive to other peoples moods however you can also entertain people from multiple perspectives. People with this intelligence are able to understand others feelings and motives.
I took a multiple intelligence quiz that determined that I was Interpersonal. I would definitely agree with this outcome. I am the type of person who likes to get along with other people. I also love talking to other people and having conversations with them. I would love to have a class where there is lots of discussion and talking. Peoples emotions effect me a lot too. If someone is feeling bad or low I would also feel bad. Even if the reason for their sadness isn't my fault I would still feel bad. I would have to try to help them. I would want them to talk to me and let me help them with what ever problem they have.
This intelligence effects me in my learning in a couple ways. First, I love to talk. And if you have been to school you know that talking during class or while the teacher is talking is very bad and frowned upon. I would always get in trouble for talking to my classmates about things other then the topic. Another way this effects me is because I am affected by others people emotions this can have a negative effect on my school work. If a person I know isn't feeling well that day or is angry or sad then I too will feel that way, or feel bad for not being able to help them.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)
Bodily-Kinesthetics is the ability to have multiple physical skills. With this intelligence you have an excellent sense of timing. You also seek perfection in skills of mind and body union. People with Kinesthetic intelligence are most often athletes, dancers, surgeons, or craftspeople.
After taking the quiz I ranked second highest in Kinesthetic Intelligence. I am on multiple sports teams and I have a daily exercise routine so I would agree that Kinesthetic fits me well. I love to play sports, even if I'm not that good at them. I also love to run and exercise. I am not very coordinated however I always am looking to improve upon my skills. I also like hands on activities. I can't stand to sit still for very long. If I am in a classroom and I have to just sit and listen with no involvement then I would probably go crazy.
This intelligence effects my learning because of inability to sit still. Many classes you can't get up and walk around and interact. So that leaves it to just sitting and listening and forcing my self not to go crazy. I will move my legs, tap my pen/pencil, doodle, anything to keep my self occupied.
Visual/Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)
Visual Intelligence is having the ability to think in three-dimensions. When you are Visually intelligent you are most likely fascinated with mazes and jigsaw puzzles. You also draw or day dream a lot. Your intelligences would be mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills and an active imagination. People with this type of intelligence are often sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters and architects.
This is the area that I scored the lowest in. I normally cant differentiate between north, south, east, and west and now it makes sense because I am not a spatial learner. I am easily tricked and confused my image manipulation. That is one of my weakest points in spatial learning. I can see why I was so low in this area, I get lost very easily and I am not artistic at all. I cant sculpt or think of things in three dimension. If something is two dimensions then that is all I see, I cant imagine it as anything else.
Because I scored the lowest in this area I would probably have a hard time teaching this subject to students. To teach this subject I would probably do a lot of hands on activities involving three- dimensions. For example I would let students make sculptures out of clay or I would let them make them geometric shapes out of paper.
Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart)
Intrapersonal Intelligence is being able to understand yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. Its being able to know your self and to use that knowledge about yourself in planning your future and the direction you want to go. Intrapersonal intelligent people are often psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. Intrapersonal people young adults may be shy or timid. However they are well aware of their own feelings and are self motivated.
This is the area that I scored second lowest in. I am not a shy person. I enjoy working with other people and talking a lot. I would say that I am in touch with my feelings how ever expressing them is the hard part for me. I have a hard time finding words that fit well with my feelings. I am not self motivated though. I need someone behind me pushing me to go further and to do more. I can normally do well by myself but if you want exceptional work then you need to push me and tell me what you expect from me.
I assume that I would have a difficult time teaching intrapersonal ways because I myself am not intrapersonal. I try to teach it by letting students work individually. I would have students do activities alone. Instead of doing group project I students would be doing them solo. This would give them the chance to see hwta they are capable of.
Bodily Kinesthetic