Friday, December 20, 2013

Reflection #10

This week in Ms. S's class it was a pretty normal week. In the mornings they get to class and unpack their bags. They get out homework from the night before and wait for someone to go around and check it. As they wait they read silently.If it is their day for FASTT math (a computer program that helps develop math skills) they will go on the computers and work on that. Other students go around and check to see if the other students have done their homework for the night. 

After homework is checked and the announcements are over they work on writing. This weeks assignment for writing was to write a story with 'problems' or challenges' in it. A problem for example would be that you are stuck on the top of a roller coaster and there is no way to get down. A challenge would be trying to create the fastest and most amazing roller coaster. 

Credit to cybraian77 on Flickr
The students had a tough time figuring out the difference between the two scenarios but with some practice they got the hang of it. Their next task was to create a story with their group that has a main problem or a main challenge and then three 'actions'. The actions would be how the problem or challenge could be solved. however the first two solutions to the problem or challenge in the story would not work and then the last solution would finally work. The students had full creativity with this activity and they let their imaginations run wild. It was very interesting to see what the students came up with. 

After writing the class moves into reading. The story for this week was about the myth of how the night came to be. The class read the story in one day and as a reward for that they didnt have to do the questions for that day. however the next day they did have to do the questions from the story.

The last day I was in the classroom the class was taking a test on the story they read a few days ago. Ms. S was not very happy with how they did on their test. After they finished their test we went to 'Junior Deputy'. This was a meeting with an officer about gun and school safety. 

As a whole I think that fourth grade is a nice grade but maybe not for me. In this grade many of the students do the work by themselves and need little help unless it is a new subject. I am really glad that I got the opportunity to work with students from different age groups. I think that it really helped me know what age group I really like and what grade level I would maybe like to work with in the future as a teacher. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Reflection #9

I started a new class. The teachers name is Ms. S. She teaches 4th grade. The classroom is very welcoming and the students are very kind.This week the students were testing the whole time I was in there. I didn't get to interact with them at all or do anything with them. Ms. S let me grade spelling test and math test for the time that I was in there so that I had something to do. It was interesting grading papers for the classroom because some students did really well and others did very poor.

Picture by: Dave 7745 On Flickr 
At the beginning of the week I got to work with 9th grade students. We were using handheld GPS's to find 'clues' around campus. It was a lot of fun and way better then being in class. I enjoyed being outside and walking around. The students seemed to like the activity also.

In the elementary school we could do something similar to this but maybe not so high tech. They could do a scavenger hunt. I'm sure the students would enjoy that. Teachers would hide things around the school/ campus and the students had to use clues from their teachers to find the treasures. It is a neat idea if you ask me.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Reflection #8

This was my last week in Ms. B's classroom. In the classroom the teacher has a reward system similar to other teachers. She has a behavior chart and each child has a clip on the side of it. If they are doing well then the teacher asks them to move their clip up. The clips stay in place till the next day and then a students hands out 'soar cards' to the students who earned them. The soar cards go in a bucket and then go to the office to be picked for "Soar Card Winner".

For related Arts on the first day I went to technology. The class was learning how to type using home row. This was the class's first lesson on typing using home row so I was glad I got to watch that and experience it. First the teacher showed the students a  video/ power point about typing and what home row was. She had that students practice placing their hands on home row before getting started. Next she showed them some games they could play to begin to learn to type. The games were very helpful and the students picked up on it very easily. 

When we got back to class the students sat down in their seats and waited for instructions. After every one got back to class one student passed out clocks to everyone. The students were going to be learning how to tell time. The students had learned to tell time before but only to the hour, now they would be learning how to tell time by 5's. For example 3:05. 3:10, 3:15 etc. 

The next day I went to art. In art the students were finishing up their playgrounds. Students were adding shapes, water, grass, people, dogs, cats any thing and everything, they really wen t all out. This project seemed really fun for the students. At the end of the lass the students go to take their playgrounds home. 

For my last day in the classroom I went to Art. The class I went with was a little behind, they were just starting to make their people for their play grounds. Some students weer still building the basics of their playgrounds. A couple students didn't write their names on their playgrounds and we couldn't find them so they had to start over completely. By the end most students were almost done with their playgrounds.

In the classroom on my last day there was a substitute teacher. So when we got back it was a little crazy, luckily however the teacher left instructions for the substitute. They began centers when we returned and I helped a few students out with math problems such as " There are 34 ears at a table, how many people are at the table?" I had about 5 minutes till I had to leave and the students "surprised" me cards and telling me thank you. The students lined up on the carpet and told me thank you. They each made a card for me thanking me and saying they would miss me. They were very sweet.

I am grateful for my experience in this grade level. I learned a lot about how children this age act and also how they interact with each other.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Reflection #7

In Ms.B's classroom this week everything was seemingly normal. In the beginning of class the students walk in with the teacher and then they unpack their backpacks. They get their home work out of their bags and turn it in. next they should switch out their books. In the classroom they are trying to so a 100 book challenge. So every day students read a new book and try to complete the challenge. After they get a book they are supposed to sit at their desk and read quietly until the morning announcements come on. After the morning announcements they go to related arts.

Wikipedia Commons
I decided to try something new this week and go to a related arts that I had never been to, Technology. Technology was interesting but also very fun. I could tell the children liked it a lot and were very into it. The teacher was also very nice. In technology the students came in and knew exactly what to do. They went to their computers and got started on a game. This was kind of like a warm up to let the kids get all their gitters out of them. They played games for about 15 minutes. Next they went and sat on the carpet at the front of the classroom. This is something they don't do that often. They normally stay at their seats and the teacher uses a software that lets her operate their computers from her own computer. While they were on the carpet the teacher explained what they would be doing that day, typing games!!

The students went to their computers and began playing the games. They were only allowed to play certain games. I had to help out a few students because they were on the wrong game or they had put the difficulty to high and was not doing well on the game.

As soon as the entire class got back from related arts they started math. They went right into centers. They were the same centers as last week except that instead of students working at their desk they were working at the big desk in the back with Ms. B. I decided to sit and work with a group of students on a game. I saw there was only five students and they had to be in pairs so I partnered with the one student left out.  The game was you had 18 chips and I had to take as many away as I wanted (you would be turned away) and then you had to figure out how many chips I took away. We played the game together for the entire time(15 minutes)

The next day I went to Art for related arts. The class that I was with was really behind and I had to help them make geometric forms out of paper. The shapes were; a cube, cone, pyramid, and cylinder. When they all finished with making the shapes they wrote their names on them and turned them in. By the time they finished there was maybe 5-10 mins left so the students got to go to centers. Center include; computers, free drawing, tracing and playing with clay.

When we came back from the related arts the class began working on math. The class is working on even and odd numbers. Ms.B asked the class questions about even and odd and even gave real life examples. She asked the class If there were 11 students in a classroom and the teacher told them all to find a partner would each person have a partner? She had the class figure that out and then she demonstrated it with 11 actual students.

The last day of the week that I was there I went to Art again. I was with a different class this day so we were working on something different then what we were working on the day before. This day the students were working on  finishing up their playgrounds. (The shapes they made the day before are for the playground) This class was almost done with their playgrounds. The teacher however wanted more. She wanted the students to put people in the playgrounds. She also wanted them to have a sign (enter/exit or hours of operation). I really liked this project for the children, it gave them creative freedom. although they all started out with the same basic shapes no ones playground/ skate park/ water park looked the same.

In the classroom this day we did something that I had never done before. I knew the class had done it before but I hadn't. We did an experiment called "How Many Pockets?" Each person had to count their pockets and got a snap-cube for each of the pockets that they had. After all the pockets were counted, everybody had to find a partner that together would add up to 10. for example I had 2 pockets and Ms. B had 8 pockets so we partnered up and made 10. Almost everyone had a partner except two people. In total the amount of pockets we had were 98. Previously when they did this there was only 58 and 69. We assumed that we had more pockets this time because of our jackets. (It was very chilly that day almost everyone had a jacket).

Multicultural Children's Books

Multicultural books are necessary to have in a classroom. They are needed so that children know that there are other types of children in the world and that being different doesn't make the person bad or weird. Multicultural books helps children understand that we are all the same despite what we look like.

I choose an assortment of different types of multicultural books; Latino, Asian, African American, and also Native American. It is good to expose children to many different types of ethnicity , especially if they are growing up in a community where it is mainly just one ethnic group. Children may not always get to see all the different types of ethnicity so books are a good way to expose them to many different kinds.

Multicultural Childrens Book

Monday, November 11, 2013

Reflection #6

I couldn't be in Ms. B's classroom on the first day this week. They went on a field trip and I couldn't go with them so I went into a fist grade classroom. The first grade classroom was so much different then the 2nd grade classroom I am normally in. The teacher is different, the curriculum is different, and especially the students are different.

This was my second week in Ms. B's classroom. It was a pretty ordinary week. The children start every day the same, they get into class, turn in their homework, change their books and unpack their backpacks. After they are done with that they sit and read at their desk. The morning news comes on and they watch that till it ends. After it ends they line up for Related Arts. On the second day this week I went with the children to art. In art they were painting clay frogs. The teacher handed each student their frog and the table captain got paint, paint brushes and water for the table. The students began painting their frogs as soon as they got them.

After the students were done the frogs had to be wrapped so they could be safely taken home. I helped wrap the frogs. The class was well behaved and lined up for wrapping if there was more then one or two people there. As the students and I were leaving the teacher thanked me and was really appreciative of the help I gave her today.

The next day the same routine happened. I went to art again too. The same project was going on but with a different class. I helped out in the same way but was a little more efficient since I didn't need much instruction today. This group of kids was less well behaved then the children yesterday. This class was very rowdy and couldn't seem to settle down. After they finished painting their frogs they didn't line up at the back table they just bunched around and it was very chaotic. When it was time for the kids to line up it took them a very long time to clean up and get in line. In the process of doing this 5+ kids dropped their frog multiple times.

Image from Flickr: Jimmie
When the children got back from R.A, they normally do math on the carpet, but today they got white boards and markers out and stayed at their desks. The teacher asked them where they were on a scale of 0-4 on how well they can solve addition and subtraction problems with out knowing the original value. For example If I have 8 pencils and you have 4 more then me how many do you have? Most students were about a 1 or 2 on the scale. After they worked out a problem together on the white boards they split up into centers. One center was a math game, another is working at their desk on notebook pages, another was working on handout pages. This was my first time seeing the children work in math centers and I am glad I got to see it.

I hope I get to see more of the centers in the coming weeks. I also want to have more responsibility in the classroom like grading papers or tests.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Reflection #5

This week I began observing a new classroom. I am now in Ms. B's 2nd grade class. I will be in her class for the next 4 weeks. I am excited to learn about how their scheduled works and all about the different students and their personalities.

The first day I was in the classroom  it was interesting. I had no Idea how their scheduled was or how the students would react to me being in the classroom. When I walked in I was greeted by multiple students all filled with questions about why I was there and what I would be doing. It was really nice that they were so interested in me and also gave me a good understanding of how their personalities were. 

In the morning the students unpack and read quietly at their desks. A little after they get into class they have to go straight to Related Arts. Ms. B's class gets split up and goes with other classrooms to their R.A. I went with a few students from Ms. B's class and an entire other classroom to Music. There the students were able to sing and play instruments. 

After students get back from R.A. they go to the carpet and learn math. They were learning about ways to add to 15 using 'like doubles" for example 8+7=15.  

The second day I was in the classroom I went to Art with the students. In art the students were making geometric shapes out of paper. They made cubes, cones, cylinders, and pyramids. The teacher demonstrated it for the class and then let them try it for themselves. Many students had a difficult time creating the shapes and needed a lot of instructions. 

The third day the students didn't go to R.A. instead they prepared themselves for the Hat Parade. Each classroom choose a theme and then the students made hats representing that theme. All the students then marched around the school in a Hat Parade showing off their hats. Ms. B's class's theme was the human body. Each students hat was a different body part and had vocabulary words on it about the body part. After the parade the students came back to the classroom and watched a video about the digestive system and the human body. 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Multiple Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart) 

Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability to interact with other people effectively. When you have Interpersonal Intelligence you have good verbal and nonverbal communication skills. You are also very sensitive to other peoples moods however you can also entertain people from multiple perspectives. People with this intelligence are able to understand others feelings and motives. 

I took a multiple intelligence quiz that determined that I was Interpersonal. I would definitely agree with this outcome. I am the type of person who likes to get along with other people. I also love talking to other people and having conversations with them. I would love to have a class where there is lots of discussion and talking. Peoples emotions effect me a lot too. If someone is feeling bad or low I would also feel bad. Even if the reason for their sadness isn't my fault I would still feel bad. I would have to try to help them. I would want them to talk to me and let me help them with what ever problem they have. 

This intelligence effects me in my learning in a couple ways. First, I love to talk. And if you have been to school you know that talking during class or while the teacher is talking is very bad and frowned upon. I would always get in trouble for talking to my classmates about things other then the topic. Another way this effects me is because I am affected by others people emotions this can have a negative effect on my school work. If a person I know isn't feeling well that day or is angry or sad then I too will feel that way, or feel bad for not being able to help them. 

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (Body Smart)

Bodily-Kinesthetics is the ability to have multiple physical skills. With this intelligence you have an excellent sense of timing. You also seek perfection in skills of mind and body union. People with Kinesthetic intelligence are most often athletes, dancers, surgeons, or craftspeople.  

After taking the quiz I ranked second highest in Kinesthetic Intelligence. I am on multiple sports teams and I have a daily exercise routine so I would agree that Kinesthetic fits me well. I love to play sports, even if I'm not that good at them. I also love to run and exercise. I am not very coordinated however I always am looking to improve upon my skills. I also like hands on activities. I can't stand to sit still for very long. If I am in a classroom and I have to just sit and listen with no involvement then I would probably go crazy. 

This intelligence effects my learning because of inability to sit still. Many classes you can't get up and walk around and interact. So that leaves it to just sitting and listening and forcing my self not to go crazy. I will move my legs, tap my pen/pencil, doodle, anything to keep my self occupied. 

Visual/Spatial Intelligence (Picture Smart)

Visual Intelligence is having the ability to think in three-dimensions. When you are Visually intelligent you are most likely fascinated with mazes and jigsaw puzzles. You also draw or day dream a lot. Your intelligences would be mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills and an active imagination.  People with this type of intelligence are often sailors, pilots, sculptors, painters and architects. 

This is the area that I scored the lowest in. I normally cant differentiate between north, south, east, and west and now it makes sense because I am not a spatial learner. I am easily tricked and confused my image manipulation. That is one of my weakest points in spatial learning. I can see why I was so low in this area, I get lost very easily and I am not artistic at all. I cant sculpt or think of things in three dimension. If something is two dimensions then that is all I see, I cant imagine it as anything else. 

Because I scored the lowest in this area I would probably have a hard time teaching this subject to students. To teach this subject I would probably do a lot of hands on activities involving three- dimensions. For example I would let students make  sculptures out of clay or I would let them make them geometric shapes out of paper. 

Intrapersonal Intelligence (Self Smart) 

Intrapersonal Intelligence is being able to understand yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. Its being able to know your self and to use that knowledge about yourself in planning your future and the direction you want to go. Intrapersonal intelligent people are often psychologist, spiritual leaders, and philosophers. Intrapersonal people young adults may be shy or timid. However they are well aware of their own feelings and are self motivated. 

This is the area that I scored second lowest in. I am not a shy person. I enjoy working with other people and talking a lot. I would say that I am in touch with my feelings how ever expressing them is the hard part for me. I have a hard time finding words that fit well with my feelings. I am not self motivated though. I need someone behind me pushing me to go further and to do more. I can normally do well by myself but if you want exceptional work then you need to push me and tell me what you expect from me. 

I assume that I would have a difficult time teaching intrapersonal ways because I myself am not intrapersonal. I try to teach it by letting students work individually. I would have students do activities alone. Instead of doing group project I students would be doing them solo. This would give them the chance to see hwta they are capable of.  

Bodily Kinesthetic

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Weekly Refection #4

Source:  Flickr, Official U.S. Navy Page
The first day that I was in the classroom this week was different then the other days. They started the day normally with writing the word of the day in their notebooks and for select students they could go on the computer and do special math games. After they were done with that the students had to go to a dental screening. All of third grade was doing this screening today. They lined up and went to the screening. After the screening they got toothbrushes and returned to the classroom, and continued the day as normal.

Through out the week I learned new things about some of the students. I learned that D and R go to speech classes every other day for about an hour. I also learned that D goes to ESE classes 3 times a week. I was surprised to learn that D and R go to speech classes because they seem to speak fine. 

This week Ms. C switch the scheduled in the morning so that she checks "soar cards"  in the morning as the students are working on their morning warm up. Soar cards are a type of reward system. the way her class does the cards is by the behavior chart. for example. If a student moves their clip up (up is good) then they get one soar card. If they get to move their clip up two times then they get 2 soar cards, etc. The maximum is 5 soar cards in a day. The soar cards go to the media center with all the other soar cards from the entire school and some are picked from it and who ever is chosen gets to be on the morning news. 

This was my last week in Ms. C's classroom. I really enjoyed my time in her classroom and I enjoyed my time with the students. I got to know the teacher and the students more then I thought that I would. I bonded a lot with certain students and I am sad to have to go. But I know that I will still be seeing them around school and in the halls. I am so grateful for the experience I had in Ms. C's classroom. and I'm excited to know what other things I will be faced with and learning in the other classrooms I will be observing. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekly Reflection #3

This week in Ms. C’s class everything was pretty normal. The students did their usual activities. Start with word of the day or computer games in the morning, then centers after that.  And after centers they go to the carpet and do their reading activity together.  

I noticed this week that in the morning one or two students leave the classroom to get ‘snack’ the snack is always something healthy; cherry tomatoes, apples, grapes etc. I wondered if every classroom got a snack or if only certain classrooms did.

This week I also observed that P (the new native Spanish speaker student) has gotten into a routine of her own. While students are working on their word of the day in the morning she also does that. Although it is in English she writes it down and does he best. Next when students are going to centers around the room she goes on the computer and uses a software that helps you learn English. On certain days a ELL teacher will come in and work with P one on one with her English.

I learned this week that 2 of the students in the classroom are “Tear 1/Tear 2” in other words ‘special needs. In the beginning of centers these two students are pulled out by another teacher. This teacher helps them with any work they need help with and will be trying to see some improvement with them throughout the year.  These two students seem to be like all the other students, I would have never guessed that those students needed extra help.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekly Reflection #2

This week was my second week in Ms. C's classroom. This week I was in the classroom 2 days. During this week I was able to grade students spelling test and also help them with their classwork. In the morning they go to four different centers around the room.

I think that the students are more comfortable with me and enjoy it when I am there with them. I really enjoy being there and talking to the students. I like working with the students when they are in centers because then I can work with a specific group on one piece of work.

I noticed that the after centers are over and students return to the carpet she announces the scores for their Reading Counts test (test students take after reading a book). One student has almost 40 points while others still struggle to get 1. Everyday the teacher says who gained a points and who still needs work. Ms. C has a leader-board in the front of the classroom saying the top five students with the most points in the class.

On one day that I was there the students were being exceptionally well behaved. So as a reward the teacher let the students go outside and play a game for a little while.

Ms. C got a new student this week. P only speaks Spanish so being in a English based classroom will be hard for her. The teacher attempts to speak to P in spanish but Ms. C's spanish isn't that good and is hard for P to understand. The day I was observing the classroom P was told to read during center time. The books she was reading were in English though and she obviously cant understand that. I hope Ms. C has a more permanent scheduled for P.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Do You Have the Right to be an Advocate?

Name of Website: Education Week 
Day/Month/Year of Article: October 7, 2013
Name of Article: Do You Have the Right to be an Advocate?

Many teacher don't want to protest because they fear they will seem biased or they fear they will lose their jobs. The people at the demonstrations vary from school board members or the general public. Ths U.S Supreme court has said that “students nor teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse door”.

Credit to William Murphy on Flickr
It is our constitutional right to freedom of speech. Being a teacher or in the educational field should not force you to give up that right. I agree with this article because teachers should be able to protest and demonstrate along with other people. Educators shouldn't teach their opinion in the classroom however if they want to do voice their opinion on the weekend or after school then they should be allowed to. 

Weekly Reflection

Week one in Ms. C class flew by. I get in the classroom at about 8:15 a.m. and leave around 10:00 a.m. Each day was a new learning experience. I learned about what a teachers assistant does but I also learned about the children and how an actual classroom is on a day to day basis.

In the morning when the students enter the classroom they do write down the word of the day in their notebooks or if it is "their day" then they get to use the computers and play educational games. I observed that the students really like playing in the computers. When time is up for the word of the day or computers the students gather on the carpet briefly for instruction about centers. Once they know the centers for the day and where they will be going they do them, alternating every 15 minutes for 40 minutes.

After centers are over they go to the carpet again for reading. The teacher reads the story to the students. I sit on the carpet next to D and help him stay focused and on task.

On the first couple days of my observation I just walked around and talked to a few students about what they were doing. On the third day I observed for the week I was allowed to grade papers. The teacher was more interactive with me and she told me what I could do to help the children. She also told me that I could sit with the students on the carpet and help D or any other student that I see struggling.

Next week I hope that Ms. C  will be more comfortable with me. I hope that she wont hesitate to ask me to grade papers or to make a copy for her. It is my goal within the next few weeks that the students will also be comfortable with me and will begin asking me questions and asking for help.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Harvard Cracks Down On Cheating In Wake Of Scandal

Weekly News Research Article Review
Name of Publication/Website: Ethics NewslineDay/Month/Year of Article: September 17, 2013Name of Article: Harvard Cracks Down On Cheating In Wake Of Scandal

Dozens of students have been suspended because they cheated on exams. In a class of more then 250 over half cheated on a take home exam. People say that students are being enabled to cheat because of witnessing politicians using questionable tactics, and athletes employing performance-enhancing drugs. 

Example of student cheating

I think that Harvard is very embarrassed at this scandal. I find it very surprising that students would admit to cheating on test and exams. I disagree with what the article about students being embarrassed to tell other students about why they were suspended. I think that students are very open with one another and would be willing to share that information willingly. Students should know however that there is a consequence if they do cheat. I don't think many people know there are severe consequences for cheating. 

Credit to Donnie Nunley 
I chose a quote by John Dewey. I believe the meaning of the quote is that education has to do with everything in your life. The quote says “Education is growth.”  I think this means that education makes you grow not just in your knowledge but also as a person. Also in the quote is says “Education is not a preparation for life; Education is life itself.” This, I believe, means that you should never stop trying to further your education. As life goes on so does your education.

I think that this quote is relevant to today’s education because people are always furthering their education. The quote talks about how education is a social process and how it is a growth, this is and I think will always be true. We use education to further our social skills and to further our growth. 

The quote by Thomas Jefferson that I chose has a big impact on the history of education. At the time that education was becoming a bigger deal. It was becoming available to more people. Thomas Jefferson believed that education was the key to many things. He thought that if common people were well educated they could take part in democratic government. I think this quote tells how education can benefit you in many ways.
            This quote by Thomas Jefferson still relates to our society today. I think that people should always be well informed. You really can’t trust a person if they are uneducated and uninformed. Once a person has been well informed then they can be trusted. The quote says a person can be trusted with their government but if they are well informed then they can be trusted with many other things. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Too Much Too Soon

Name of Website: Medical Daily 
Day/Month/Year of Article: September 13,2013

Name of Article: Starting School Young Is 'Too Much, Too Soon'

Credit to Mike Oliveri 
127 senior figures in the England education system want the age for starting school to be delayed to 6 or 7. Many countries mandate that children begin school at age 6. Schools teach  language development, cognitive skills, general knowledge, approaches to learning, and social and emotional skills. These are all important things to learn and know about in early development.  

My opinion is that school should begin when the child is 5 or 6 years of age. At this age they not only need but also crave to learn. they want to learn new things. Also peer interaction is important at this age. Children need to be around other kids and learn from them. This age is is an excellent time to develop language, social and emotional skills. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Technology Is Changing How Students Learn

Name of Publication/Website: The New York Times
Day/Month/Year of Article: November 1, 2012
Name of Article: Technology Is Changing How Students Learn

Credit to Flickr

Many teachers believe that technology is causing students to have a shorter attention span. However no long term studies have been done to prove this. The is evidence that correlates with the use of technology and the effect it has on behavior especially on developing brains, like those of young children. 71% of the teachers surveyed for the Common Sense project said that  "they thought technology was hurting attention span “somewhat” or “a lot.”"

I think that technology does shorten our attention span. I we are so used to things being very fast paced and always changing then we will eventually get used to that. Unfortunately you cants always teach like that. You have to slow down at times and take a break. While teaching you can't always be putting on a show for the entire classroom or that will drain you every day. I think that we need to compensate for the kids with the shorter attention span. I don't feel it’s right if you don't. The students may need a little extra attention but that is your job. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Students Pledge Not To Swear

Name of Publication/Website: NEA, National Education Association 
Day/Month/Year of Article: Unknown
Name of Article: Students Pledge Not To Swear 

500 students signed up for this campaign against swearing within just 2 hours. Even high schooler's were signing up for it. Wrist bands with the slogan "Dare Not To Swear" on them were made and given away for the campaign.
Credit to Kimagine 

I think the Dare Not To Swear campaign is a really good idea. It may be a better idea for younger children and not so much high school students. In high school you are supposed to be treated as an adult and therefore also act like one. Younger children however don't know how to act or what to say sometimes. Young children just repeat what they hear whether its good or bad. This campaign teaches children that swearing is bad and there are better ways to express yourself. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Social Media and Teachers???

Name of Publication/Website: NBC News 
Day/Month/Year of Article: August 22, 2013
Name of Article: Social Media Helps Teachers Transform Classroom Culture

Many teachers use blogs or other forms of social media to interact and help one another. Using social media can help teachers interact with one another because they don't normally have that chance through out the day. This form of technology and social media helps teachers to teach better and more effectively.

Social media helps teachers expand their knowledge beyond what they already know. They can share ideas with other teachers or with people who have common interest. By sharing ideas with other people they can become more effective in their teaching methods. I believe that social media is very helpful in today's society. especially with our school system and teachers.

Credit to Matt Hamm on Flickr 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Common Core Standards

Name of Publication/Website: Huff Post Politics
Day/Month/Year of Article:
August 23, 2013
Name of Article:
Education Poll Finds Common Core Standards Remain AMystery To Most Americans

Most Americans are clueless and have never heard of the Common Core State Standards. The Common Core is a set of learning standards that are supposed to be used to help prepare students for a 21st century economy. It emphasizes critical thinking skills and in important math concepts.

In my opinion I think the Common Core could be very helpful and will benefit the children and young adults in our country. I strongly believe that the parents should be more involved and shouldn know more about the standards. I think that everybody should learn about the standards in education because the children that are in schools now are our future so we should do whatever we can do help them achieve success.

Credit to Asian Development Bank